
作者: 时间:2024-06-04 11:28:19 阅读:


1. **have a picnic /hæv ə ˈpɪknɪk/ ** - 举行野餐 Example: We like to have a picnic in the small forest. (我们喜欢在小树林里举行野餐。)


2. **take a walk /teɪk ə wɔːk/ ** - 散步 Example: Let's take a walk in the small forest and enjoy the nature. (让我们在小树林里散步,享受大自然。)

3. **enjoy the scenery /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ ðə ˈsiːnəri/ ** - 欣赏风景 Example: We can enjoy the beautiful scenery in the small forest. (我们可以在小树林里欣赏美丽的风景。)


4. **hold hands /həʊld hænds/ ** - 牵手 Example: They held hands as they walked in the small forest. (他们在小树林里散步时牵手。)

5. **share a moment /ʃeə ə ˈməʊmənt/ ** - 分享时刻 Example: In the small forest, we shared a special moment together. (在小树林里,我们一起分享了一个特别的时刻。)

6. **chat and laugh /tʃæt ənd lɑːf/ ** - 聊天和大笑 Example: We chat and laugh happily in the small forest. (我们在小树林里愉快地聊天和大笑。)

7. **relax and unwind /rɪˈlæks ənd ˌʌnˈwaɪnd/ ** - 放松和减压 Example: The small forest is a great place to relax and unwind. (小树林是一个放松和减压的好地方。)

8. **spend quality time /spen ˈkwɒlɪti taɪm/ ** - 度过优质时间 Example: We want to spend quality time in the small forest. (我们想在小树林里度过优质时间。)

9. **take a break /teɪk ə breɪk/ ** - 休息一下 Example: Let's take a break in the small forest and breathe fresh air. (让我们在小树林里休息一下,呼吸新鲜空气。)

10. **appreciate nature /əˈpriːʃieɪt ˈneɪtʃə(r)/ ** - 欣赏自然 Example: In the small forest, we can appreciate the beauty of nature. (在小树林里,我们可以欣赏自然的美丽。)

11. **listen to the birds /ˈlɪsən tuː ðə bɜːdz/ ** - 听鸟儿的声音 Example: While in the small forest, we like to listen to the birds. (当在小树林里时,我们喜欢听鸟儿的声音。)

12. **watch the sunset /wɒtʃ ðə ˈsʌnset/ ** - 看日落 Example: We went to the small forest to watch the beautiful sunset. (我们去小树林看美丽的日落。)

13. **feel close to nature /fiːl kləʊs tuː ˈneɪtʃə(r)/ ** - 感觉亲近自然 Example: In the small forest, I feel close to nature. (在小树林里,我感觉亲近自然。)

14. **explore the area /ɪkˈsplɔː(r) ðə ˈeəriə/ ** - 探索该地区 Example: We decided to explore the small forest area. (我们决定探索小树林地区。)

15. **have a romantic moment /hæv ə rəʊˈmæntɪk ˈməʊmənt/ ** - 有一个浪漫的时刻 Example: They had a romantic moment in the small forest. (他们在小树林里有一个浪漫的时刻。)

16. **enjoy the peace and quiet /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ ðə piːs ənd ˈkwaɪət/ ** - 享受和平与宁静 Example: We really enjoy the peace and quiet in the small forest. (我们真的很享受小树林里的和平与宁静。)


17. **take pictures /teɪk ˈpɪktʃəz/ ** - 拍照 Example: We took some pictures in the small forest to remember the day. (我们在小树林里拍了一些照片来记住这一天。)

18. **play games /pleɪ ɡeɪmz/ ** - 玩游戏 Example: We played some fun games in the small forest. (我们在小树林里玩了一些有趣的游戏。)

19. **have a good time /hæv ə ɡʊd taɪm/ ** - 玩得开心 Example: We always have a good time in the small forest. (我们在小树林里总是玩得开心。)


20. **create memories /kriˈeɪt ˈmeməriz/ ** - 创造回忆 Example: Dating in the small forest helps us create beautiful memories. (在小树林里约会帮助我们创造美好的回忆。)



