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英文名称:Zodiac decorations













中文名称: 江南癸卯光绪元宝

英文名称:Jiangnan guimao guangxu yuan bao





清 末 江南癸卯光绪元宝十文铜圆的概貌是:正面中间是“光绪元宝”中央有两个满文,上方铭文为“江南省造”,下方为“每元当制钱十文”,在“江南省造”的两边,右“卯”左“癸”是记年。中间的珠圏 由 九 十 九 个 小 点 组 成 。 背 面 , 中 间 是 一 条 飞 龙 , 上 方 为 英文 , 左 右 各 一 个 玫 瑰 花 饰 , 中 间 的 珠 圈 由 一 百 _ 十 _ 个 小 点组 成 。 下 方 缘 英 文 面 值 。 清 末 江 南 癸 卯 光 绪 元 宝 十 文 铜 圆版别的区别主要在:正面左上方的“癸”字写法不同,“癸”字左上 开 笔 是 横 撇 一 划 的 , 也 有 两 小 撇的,横撇划的为一点( 划)癸 , 两 撇 的 为 两 点 ( 划 ) 癸 。 背 面 是 英 文 不 同 和 组 成 龙 尾 的 线

背面上缘的英文是’ KIANG - NAN 1 飞龙的尾巴由七条线组成,尾巴细长,即,甲辰背细长七尾飞龙,中间的珠圈由一百零九个小点组成。红铜质。此枚铜圆只见华光普先生1997年版《中国近代铜币目录》第67页166图录有。其它资料上均未录用,华先生标九级。假如确有此铜圆,此铜圆应该放在甲辰记年中。因为它面是癸卯(1903年)背是甲辰(1904年),也就是说先印面后印背,最后是甲辰年(1904年)完成的。所以,应该放在完成全部工序的甲辰年。级别应该标高一点。铜质4:背面上缘的英文是’ KIANG - S 〇 CT 飞龙的尾巴较宽,由八条线组成,即,江苏背八尾飞龙,红铜质。5:背面上缘的英文是 KIANG - SOCV 飞龙的尾巴由七条线组成,线条较长,即,江苏背长七尾飞龙,红铜质。二:正面二点(划)癸6:背面上缘的英文是’ KIANG - NAN 1 飞龙的尾巴较宽,由八条线组成,即,江南背八尾飞龙,红铜质。这是另一枚最普通的江南癸卯铜圆。7:背面上缘的英文是’ KIANG - NAN 1 飞龙的尾巴由七条线组成,线条短促,即,江南背短七尾飞龙。红铜质。8:背面上缘的英文是’ KIANG - S 〇 CT 飞龙的尾巴较宽,由八条线组成,2/3页即,江苏背八尾飞龙,红铜质。




英文名称:The military government carried eighteen copper COINS from sichuan province










英文翻译:Zodiac culture has a long history, extensive and profound, is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. As an ancient folk culture with profound influence, it is closely related to zhouyi, five elements, yin-yang eight diagrams, tiangan and dizhi, etc., and contains rich cultural connotations. With the accumulation and inheritance of traditional culture, zodiac collection has been favored by people in recent years, and the market is becoming popular and promising.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: zodiac decoration

The word is: mass destruction

Category: jade

Specification: one piece

Appearance: beautiful

Twelve zodiac decoration, for the Ming dynasty xuande system (style), the shape of primitive simplicity, fine workmanship, fine depiction, vivid, the depth of the look, do not have a fun. The furnishing articles by carved monolith, carver is exquisite, body sculpture fine the grain of heavy and complicated, crisscross overlap, recreate themselves, graceful is fluent, the same from top to bottom, skillfully use Chinese zodiac different volume, carving out twelve different sizes, forms of animal, make the whole picture composition is a hierarchical, numerous and not miscellaneous, excellent visual effect. Its conception is peculiar, the layout is exquisite, the dragon design is placed in the most top, the other zodiac animals around the body clever arrangement, or sit or lie, or run or jump, raise one's hand and move one's feet, vivid and lovely. Each animal sign is both independent and harmonious, vivid, naughty, simple and honest image presented in front of the viewer, to the visual beauty of the enjoyment, strong artistic appeal. In addition, the decoration is also engraved with several pieces of copper COINS. The twelve zodiac animals and copper COINS are displayed on the same vessel at the same time. The craftsmanship is unique, which not only highlights the broad implication connotation, but also shows the superb craftsmanship incisibly and vividly, which is actually a good collection of fine works.

This collection is an auspicious collection of 12 zodiac animals, is also an excellent feng shui, prevailing in the late qing dynasty and the republic of China period, at that time is in accordance with the feng shui view, buried in the foundation or placed in the conspicuous place at home, has the town house to protect the role of peace, highly practical. Throughout the whole device, qiao color carvings, colour and lustre is Shen Mu, distinct, texture clear, carver exquisite, unique, quality of a material is dignified, plain and implicative, composed in highlight the atmosphere, with delicate ornamentation of disclosing the connotation of an intriguing and mysterious, charismatic, is the excellent work of skillful craftsman, have high art appreciation and collection value.

As a symbol of time-honored folk culture, the Chinese zodiac is not only a symbol of the ancient Chinese people's infinite reverence for animals, but also a philosophical reflection of their ancestors on the relationship between man and nature. In the folk activities such as saying goodbye to the old year, welcoming the New Year, celebrating prosperity and prosperity, thanking the gods, eliminating disasters and maintaining peace, the artistic images of the twelve zodiac animals have a unique cultural significance. As a kind of carrier, it contains people's wisdom and longing, as well as the longing for a happy life and the feeling of being lucky and lucky. In recent years, people attach more and more importance to the Chinese zodiac, and it is also a very important symbol. The collection of Chinese zodiac has a very deep historical and cultural background, and the aesthetic taste and historical and cultural value generated by it have long been recognized and accepted by collectors, so it has a high collection value.

Guangxu yuan bao was one of the currencies in circulation during the reign of emperor guangxu of the qing dynasty. Zhang zhidong, governor of hubei province and guangdong province, took the lead in introducing the British coinage machine to cast silver and copper yuan, and the provinces followed suit. A total of 19 provincial bureau casting, in addition to the central department, local provinces cast copper yuan, are engraved on the front edge of the name of the province.

Guangxu yuan bao is the first currency with large denomination in circulation in the reign of emperor guangxu of the qing dynasty. Guangdong province made guangxu silver piece in the history of modern Chinese machine COINS belong to a big series, the casting period lasted very long (in the guangxu 34 years guangxu 22 years - [1896] 1908), after more than ten years, coin change several times, even if the same year also often since repairing mold, material, technology, factory management, and many other factors, causing abnormal bottle multifarious.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: jiangnan guimao guangxu yuan bao

English name: Jiangnan guimao guangxu yuan bao

Category: jade

Specification: one piece

Appearance: beautiful

In the late qing dynasty, the general appearance of the jiangnan guimao guangxu yuanbao ten-wen copper circle is as follows: in the middle of the front is the "guangxu yuanbao" with two manchu characters in the middle, the upper inscription is "made in jiangnan province", and the lower inscription is "made in jiangnan province". On both sides of the "made in jiangnan province", the right "MAO" and the left "GUI" are the records of years. The circle in the center is made of 99 small dots. On the back, there is a flying dragon in the middle, the top of which is in English, with a rose flower on the right and left, and a circle of beads in the middle composed of one hundred and ten dots. Lower edge English surface value. < / p > < p > at the end of the qing dynasty, jiang nan guzhao guangxu yuan bao ten copper round version of the difference is mainly in: front left upper part of the "decane" writing method is different, "decane" left pen is a horizontal stroke, there are two small strokes, horizontal stroke for a point (row) decane, two apostrophe for two points (row) decane. On the back is a line that is different from English and formed into a dragon's tail

The tail of a flying dragon is made up of seven lines with a slender tail, that is, a slender seven-tailed flying dragon with a ring of beads in the middle made up of one hundred and nine dots. The red copper. This copper round is only shown in the catalogue of modern Chinese copper COINS by Mr. Hua guangpu, 1997, page 67, page 166. Other information is not available, Mr. Hua bid grade 9. If have this copper circle really, this copper circle should be put in year of record of a Chen. Because its face is gui-mao (1903) back is a Chen (1904), that is to say, after the first printed surface printed back, finally is a Chen (1904) completed. Therefore, it should be placed in the year when the whole process is completed. The level should be elevated. The tail of the flying dragon 'kiang-s CT is wider and consists of eight lines, that is, the back of jiangsu eight-tailed flying dragon, of red copper. The tail of a flying dragon is made up of seven lines with a long line, that is, a seven-tailed flying dragon with a red copper back from jiangsu province. The tail of the flying dragon is wider, composed of eight lines, that is, jiangnan back eight tail flying dragon, red copper. This is another of the most common jiangnan guimao copper round. The tail of the flying dragon is made up of seven lines with short lines. In other words, jiangnan has a short back with seven tails. The red copper. 8: the tail of the flying dragon 'kiang-s CT is relatively wide. It is composed of eight lines.

In May 1911, the corrupt qing government, under the guise of nationalizing the railway, transferred the rights of building roads in sichuan and han and guangdong provinces to the British, French, German and American banking groups, which aroused the opposition of people all over the country. Sichuan province was particularly strongly affected, and hundreds of thousands of people joined the road protection army. After wuchang uprising, the provinces have declared independence, the road army surrounded chengdu. Zhao erfeng could not control the situation in sichuan, so he had to hand over the political power to pu dianjun, the leader of the sichuan baolu movement and other constitutionalists. Thus, sichuan province also declared independence, established the "big han sichuan military government", and took over the chengdu branch coin factory. To expand military needs, this "han" coin was minted and issued.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: the military government back han 18 ring sichuan copper COINS

English name: The military government, sysyx copper COINS from sichuan province

Specification: one piece

Category: miscellaneous

Appearance: beautiful

The military government made sichuan copper COINS when money 100, the reverse of the year for the republic of China two years. There is a big Chinese character on the back, so it is called "han bronze yuan" in the collection circle.

"Big han" coin in the face value and material version or a variety of. There are silver ones, one yuan, five jiao, two jiao, one jiao. There are copper when making money of one hundred, when making money of fifty, when making money of two hundred, when making money of ten. From the release date, there are the first year of the republic of China, two years of the republic of China and three years of the republic of China.

The front is a sichuan copper coin, the middle is a begonia pattern, above is made by the military government, below is the value of the coin. Left and right flower star grain. The reverse side is the first year of the republic of China six characters, the central bead circle is han, outside is 18 small circles, at that time on behalf of the 18 provinces, meaning that the people of the 18 provinces work together to fight together.

Sichuan copper COINS when money 100 military junta made, the coin is made of red copper. Edge teeth short, left and right hollow cross star. The characters on this coin surface are all gold based. Sichuan copper coin four words open, point for the heart. Sichuan character last long wear cap, wear two points above. The bronze is next to the gold, four horizontal gold, the third horizontal half. Instead of skimming, make a thick dot. On the edge of the military junta made, the military character stroke is thin, the army with a point to start, and the horizontal folding is not connected, commonly known as the silk army. Political word point to attack the heart, anti - cursive touch linked. Fu word point beginning, horizontal apostrophe is not connected. Make the beginning of the word, the cow word mouth. Lower edge when making money 100 text, all show a point, only 100 words have no use, so 100 words form an opening, 100 words two horizontal shorter, commonly known as opening 100. Money word four horizontal gold, the third horizontal on the bend. Text is from the text, skimming and horizontal is not connected. On the edge of the military government made, there is a horizontal mark between the house made. On the back of the upper edge of the roc 2000, the right part of the Chinese character formed a small half circle. Chinese characters vertical with a small circle, square head 20, Chinese characters horizontal lines decorated 26 horizontal, the upper edge of the republic of China two words open.